FIST promotes livelihoods and self-sustainability for the disadvantaged to reduce their over dependence on donor funds and assistance for their day to day life and basic needs. FIST's programs which range from agriculture to business start-ups are some of the remarkable efforts for developing sustainability, improving household income and creating jobs in the low-income communities.
In the recent past, FIST’s projects have resulted directly in the creation of hundreds of jobs and significant increases in income for women. These successes have given many women their first jobs and the unprecedented ability to add to and often be the only source of family income. Despite this progress, there is tremendous unrealized opportunity to create additional opportunities for sustainable economic and entrepreneurship for women in many communities.
Our goals is to help the disadvantaged women in the world achieve financial independence and security by helping them build the and resources to start microenterprises. FIST also respectfully seeks funding from a number of funding agencies to provide training to women entrepreneurs, help establish new businesses, and create new jobs for women. Through our logistics management services, we link trainees and apprentices to our logistics bases which provides cheap labor and gives the participants an opportunity to learn from the superiors in the workshops.