Under this thematic area, FIST implements and delivers the following activities:
→ Maintenance of acceptable standards of education in community schools.
→ The FIST supports primary education in communities and also provides Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) services for children aged 3-5.
→ Identify different skills among the disadvantaged children, Youths and Women, avails trainings in the same line to enable economic empowerment.
→ Recruitment of qualified and competent teaching staff and caretakers.
→ Provision of study and learning materials to students at all grades.
→ Continuous capacity development of the teachers and caregivers through hands on trainings by keeping them a breast of the developments in the education sector.
→ Provision of a child friendly school environment and more so child friendly spaces for the children.
→ Conducting Sensitization and awareness events to boost enrollment and collaboration with other stakeholders and actors to mobilize communities to send their children to school.
→ Enhancing the capacity of community management structures including Parents’ Teachers’ Association (PTAs) to improve school management and governance.
→ Identification of eligible students for students’ loans and /or scholarships.
→ Monitoring of the students on scholarships/loans to ensure zero dropout rate.
→ Encourage and increase the numbers of female teachers and girl children enrollment into schools.
→ Build reading programs with local community schools designed to build and improve children’s’ reading skills and English performance through enlisting volunteers and obtaining reading materials from willing partners and volunteers.
→ Constructing of school facilities.