Deterrence on Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV)

FIST implements SGBV projects that provide multi-sectorial prevention of response and protection for women and girls

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) is widespread in African Communities. There is over whelming evidence that there is a high level of domestic and sexual violence perpetrated against women and girls in communities’ at all socio-economic levels and among all ethnic groups. Women and girls are more affected than men and boys across the board. Violence against women and girls is still regarded by many as a way of life.


Therefore, FIST implements SGBV projects that provide multi-sectorial prevention of response and protection for women and girls through:

→ Organizing and holding Focus-group discussions with children, women and community leader where FIST identifies protection issue affecting the populations to find strategies to address those issues.

→ Provision of psychosocial counseling to victims.

→ Provision of health services for victims.

→ Provision of legal services for victims in ensuring that the perpetrators are dealt within the National Judicature.

→ Protection and prevention through establishing a SGBV referral pathway.

→ Public awareness to avoid stigma to victims

→ Encouraging the victims to report such that the perpetrators are dealt with in the National Judicature.

→ Protection and prevention through establishing a SGBV Referral pathway

→ Public awareness to avoid stigma to the victims.

→ Encouraging victims to report such that the perpetrators are dealt are identified and dealt with.

→ Establishing and management of safe houses that provide confidentiality and safety for the victims from the perpetrators.