Specifically, FIST implements the following activities:
→ Protection of vulnerable children including Unaccompanied, Separated Children and Minors (UASCM), and child family heads through provision of foster parents and mentors after assessing their eligibility in parenting skills.
→ Identification of separated children and tracing their families for reunion.
→ Provision and facilitation of competent Outreach Workers provide follow up support for children in distress.
→ Provision of Children recreation centers (also known as friendly spaces) and Day Care Centers, which are used as a safe haven for the children during the day .While in these centers, the children also take part in literacy lessons, receive optional counseling and take part in fun recreational activities such as football, dancing and acrobatics. These skills are later used to help generate income for the betterment of the children’s lives.
→ We identify children who are vulnerable and living on the streets and invite them to take part in Outreach Programs during which they can learn how to bathe, receive medical treatment, counseling, clothing and education which consequently addresses the global problem of the street children.
→ We closely co-ordinate with the responsible Ministry for Children and link the children in our care to have access to services like rehabilitation and treatment.